July 13, 2008

Dear Colleagues,

The Votes Are In!

I am happy to report that the votes have been tallied and on Thursday July 10, John Kennedy presided over the swearing in of the new San Francisco Chapter of IFMA Officers and the new Board:

Oscar Gomez - President
Karen Cochran - Vice President
Treasurer - Ty Whitehead
Secretary - Dawn Knoll
Past President - John Kennedy

Programs/Education - John Dilges & Leah Nadel
Membership/Hospitality - Robyn Isom & Carmina Bacani
Website/Technology - Kathleen Smith
Chapter Administrator - Emily Gibson

The new team is energized to continue the Chapter's mission and implementing its strategic plan. We discussed reaching out to our fellow Sacramento and Bay Area Chapters of IFMA to ensure better "cross pollination" of ideas. We also discussed the details of the upcoming CFM review planned for the fourth quarter of 2008.

Several new ideas for potential programs were discussed including NERT and a tour of the Cathedral of Lights in Oakland. These ideas will be considered by our Programs team.

The 2008 Membership drive is in full swing with membership up to 211 members. Two very nice prizes will be awarded to those who can bring the most members to the chapter this year.

Our finances are looking strong with several new sponsors joining our cause including Turner Construction and Siemens.

The decision was made to have the Christmas event at the Bentley Reserve Conference Center in San Francisco. The theme for this event will be Volunteer Recognition and to show just how much we appreciate all of you who take time out of your busy lives to move the Chapter's vision into reality.

San Francisco Chapter World Workplace Pins are being designed. The Board decided to fund stipends for Board members to go to World Work Place in Dallas this October. The Board also decided on the amount of the 2008 Foundation donation which will be $2,500.

We also discussed the importance of Blogging, hence my feeble attempt here. Your comments and blog entries would be greatly appreciated.

I hope to see you on Thursday July 17th at 5:00 p.m. at Sidemark to learn all about some very exciting new products which are very attractive, cost effective and more importantly good for the environment.


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